The Retrospectacles

Andrew Foster

Josie Sokoloff-Toney

Ethan Jodziewicz

Scotty Leach

The Retrospectacles, are on indefinite hiatus. Keep up with any new events on our Facebook page or check out the bandmembers' personal websites to see what they're up to. Thank you for the support over the years!

Andrew Foster's Picture

Andrew has been playing violin and fiddle since age five. He currently lives in Seattle and works as a software engineer. Photo credit: Sonya Sones

Josie Toney\'s Picture

Find the latest info about Josie at her website:

Ethan Jodziewicz's Picture

Find the latest info about Ethan at his website:

Scotty Leach's Picture

Scotty Leach--fiddler, pianist, and avid contra dancer--was raised on Weiser, Fiddle Tunes, and the Centralia Campout. Through his lifelong immersion in folk music traditions, he has acquired the ability to transition effortlessly from Appalachian old-time to New England dance music to Cape Breton style piano backup. Scotty is also an accomplished composer of fiddle tunes.

The Retrospectacles © 2025. Website by Andrew Foster